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May 23rd, 2014

Strawberry Pretzel Ice Cream Pie

Strawberry Pretzel Ice Cream Pie

Memorial Day Weekend is here!  First - our thanks to all brave men and women who have made possible the many opportunities we cherish in this great country.  To all those who have and do serve {special shout out to my own soldier son} our love and prayers go out to all of you!

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Traditionally, Memorial Day Weekend kicks off Summer- pot lucks, picnics, barbecues, pool parties, beach parties, family reunions, vacations - whatever your plans for the summer, this Strawberry Pretzel Ice Cream Pie is a beautiful way to kick off your celebration!   Easy, refreshing, and just plan good!

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Posted under Ice Cream, Pie | 3 Comments
April 23rd, 2014

Lemon Blueberry Cream Pie

Lemon Blueberry Cream Pie

The past couple of months have been tough ones for Jocelyn and I.  Just a few short weeks ago, we said goodbye to our adorable, not-quite 2 year old  nephew/cousin Duncan.  This past Easter weekend, we also said goodbye to our mom and grandma.  It only seems fitting that today we should dedicate this post to her- especially since that is where we first acquired our love of cooking and good food.


Mom was a self-taught cook before the days of the cooking channels and ready-made mixes.  Even in her last days, she still enjoyed watching cooking shows and

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Posted under Fruit, Pie | 10 Comments
June 27th, 2013

Strawberry Shortcake with Sweet Cream Biscuits

Quick – what’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Strawberry Shortcake?  Is it the cute red-headed, strawberry-scented doll who stole our hearts for generations and keeps making a comeback?   Or is it this tried and true, All-American dessert loaded with summer strawberries and mounds of rich whip cream?  Leave us a comment and let us know.  {I’m thinking the adorable strawberry doll will come out on top  . .  . the power of modern marketing?  Maybe it depends how hungry you are!}

We have enjoyed Strawberry Shortcake (the dessert) for generations in our family.  However,

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Posted under Desserts | 8 Comments
May 10th, 2013

Strawberry Rhubarb Crumble

I was thrilled last week to find the most beautiful rhubarb at my grocer last week.   It’s not grown locally here in Texas and I don’t see it that often.  In fact when I got to the check out the teenage boy at the register was so excited by my rhubarb purchase.  I told him I was impressed that he knew what it was.  He replied, “Oh I know what it is . . . I’ve just never seen anyone buy it before!”  {I guess the South just doesn’t know what they are missing.}  Fortunate for me, it’s a wonderful

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May 9th, 2012

Banana Cream Pie (made with ice cream)

In honor of Mother’s Day, I’m sharing one of my mom’s original pie recipes.  I’ve mentioned before that my mom was famous for her pies.  She could mix and roll out a pie crust faster than you and I could open the Pillsbury package!

This Banana Cream Pie recipe is one she created and as long been a family favorite.  And yes, the secret ingredient is Ice Cream!  {Now you know it’s going to be good!!}   The ice cream gives it a much richer flavor than the pudding alone, and this is so much easier than cooking the filling.  If

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Posted under Pie | 6 Comments


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